about WASABI

The wasabi we serve at our restaurant is home-grown wasabi from Okuhida. We serve this wasabi with a handmade wasabi grater so that customers can grate it by hand. Since we cannot harvest a large amount of home-grown wasabi, we cut it into small pieces to reduce waste (food loss).

a handmade wasabi grater and a piece of home-grown Wasabi
Wasabi after grated

If you grate the served piece, it will be enough as a condiment, but if you would like more, please feel free to ask and we will add more.

If you don’t want wasabi, please let us know when ordering and we will give you a 50 yen discount.

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Buckwheat flowers are in full bloom

Buckwheat flowers are in full bloom in Okuhida. They have grown vigorously thanks to the fine weather. We hope to be able to offer new soba noodles which made of newly hurvested buckwheat in late autumn. Please look forward to it.

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Wasabi from Okuhida

We serve our customers wasabi from Okuhida. Because it is a natural product, we may not be able to prepare a sufficient amount. We grow wasabi through trial and error, and strive to deliver fresh wasabi to our customers. Please enjoy the refreshing taste of real wasabi. (It is also delicious when sprinkled directly on soba noodles.) The photo shows wasabi that has been cultivated in the Taruma natural spring water.

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